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Counseling services are usually provided by counselors to specific target groups such as students, parents, and the community. However, the aim of this study is to look at the challenges of counselors themselves to obtain counseling services. This study is a qualitative study in the form of semi-structured interviews among eight counselors with more than 10 years of experience. The scope of the study revolved around exploring the challenges of obtaining counseling services. Data were analyzed by using the thematic analysis method that has been recommended by Braun and Clark (2006). The findings of the study found that the challenge for counselors to obtain counseling services is perception and stigma, the counselor's personal attitude, and the counselor's way of thinking. Discussion and implications of the study are also discussed in this study.
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Bernama. (2009, Jun 19). Penyakit Mental di Kalangan Rakyat Malaysia Semakin Meningkat. Retrieved January 20, 2020, from Malaysia Psychiatric Association:
Bird, C.E (1999). Gender, Household Labour and Psychological Distress: The Impact of amount and the Division of Housework. Journal of Health and Social Behaviour, 32-45
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Corbin, J. M., & Strauss, A. (2008). Basics of qualitative research: techniques and procedures for developing grounded theory (3rd ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications
Deane, F. P. & Chamberlain, K. (1994). Treatment fearfulness and distress as predictors of professional psychological help seeking. British Journal of Guidance and Counseling, 22, 207-217.
Drapalski, A.L., Lucksted, A., Perrin, P.B., Aakre, J.M., Brown, C.H., DeForge, B.R., & Boyd, J.E. (2013). A model of internalized stigma and its effects on people with mental illness. Psychiatric Services, 64 (3), 264-269
Faizura Rohaizad. (2014). Pengaruh Stigma Masyarakat Dan Stigma Kendiri Terhadap Sikap Untuk Mendapatkan Perkhidmatan Kaunseling Dalam Kalangan Dewasa. Master’s thesis, Universiti Putra Malaysia.
Mazidah Mohd Dagang, Rusnani Abdul Kadir, Sidek Mohd Noah & Maznah Baba. 2013. Kompetensi pelbagai budaya dan kompetensi spritual dalam kalangan kaunselor.